CSE 662 Fall 2019 - Program Slicing (continued)

Program Slicing (continued)

CSE 662 Fall 2019

September 24

Program Slicing Recap

  • Dead Code Elimination
  • Highlight Dependent Instructions
  • Delta Programs
  • Optimization

01:        read(N)
02:        Z := 0
03:        I := 1
04:        while (I < N) do
05:          read(X)
06:          if (X < 0) then
07:            Y := f1(X)
08:            Y := f2(X)
             end if
09:          Z = f3(Z, Y)
10:          I = I + 1
           end while
11:        write(Z)
Agrawal et. a. Dynamic Slicing in the Presence of Unconstrained Pointers

Control Flow Graph

Data Flow Dependency

Instruction 4 has a data dependency on 1

01:        read(N)
02:        Z := 0
03:        I := 1
04:        while (I < N) do

Data Flow Dependency

Instruction 11 has a data dependency on both 2 and 9
(any unbroken path from write to read counts)

02:        Z := 0
04:        while (I < N) do
09:          Z = f3(Z, Y)
           end while
11:        write(Z)

Control Flow Dependency

Instruction 8 has a control flow dependency from 6
Instruction 9 has a control flow dependency from 4

04:        while (I < N) do
06:          if (X < 0) then
08:            Y := f2(X)
09:          Z = f3(Z, Y)


Target: Start with a line and a set of variables.

Goal: Find the subset of the program that generates the same values for the specified variables.

Slicing Algorithm

  1. Assume that the target line reads from the target variables
  2. Compute the transitive closure of all data dependencies
  3. Add in control dependencies to any available statement
  4. Repeat from step 2 until nothing new is added

Function Slices

  • Simple: Treat $f(a, b, c)$ as a read/write to/from a, b, c.
  • Moderate: Expand out/inline $f(a, b, c)$ then go as normal.
  • Up/Down Flow

Up/Down Flow

For call $f(a, b, c)$ with $f$ defined as $\texttt{def } f(x, y, z)$.

      define f(x, y, z):
1:      x = y + z
2:      z = y * z
  1. Add virtual write instructions for each: x, y, z at the start.
  2. For each variable, compute the slice targetting the variable on the last line of the function. Note down which virtual writes appear in the slice
  3. Treat each call site as one write for each variable, using the virtual writes to determine which variables the writes depend on.

Worst case assumptions:

  • Every variable depends on every other variable
  • Every call site depends on every other call sites (external state)


1:    x = 2
2:    y = 3
3:    *z = 4
4:    write(x)    

Does $x$ on the last line depend on line 3?

It depends on what $z$ is

Not just pointers

1:    x[0] = 2
2:    x[1] = 3
3:    x[z] = 4
4:    write(x[0])

Does $x[0]$ on the last line depend on line 3?

It also depends on what $z$ is

Which value gets written to can change at runtime.

Idea 1: Worst-case assumptions

  • Every variable access depends on all preceeding pointer assignments
  • Every pointer reference depends on all preceding assignments

Slightly tighter restrictions possible if referring to an array/struct instead of a pointer

Idea 2: Determine possible program states


        struct { int curr; LL *next } LL;
1:      read(N)
2:      I := 0
3:      X := new LL { -1, null }
4:      Y := &X->curr
5:      while(I < N)
6:        X := new LL { I, X }
7:        Y := X->next->curr
8:        I := I + 1
        end while
9:      print_ll(X)

What does X depend on as of line 6?

Consider possible state trajectories

  1. { N = [read value] (line 1) }
  2. + { I = 0 (line 2) }
  3. + { X = ptr to $\ell_1$ (line 3); $\ell_1$ = { -1, null } (line 3) }
  4. + { Y = ptr to $\ell_1$.curr; (line 4) }
  5. nothing added
  6. + { X = ptr to $\ell_2$ (line 6); $\ell_2$ = { 0, ptr to $\ell_1$ } (line 6) }
    OR nothing added

View each entry in the state trajectory as a set of possible states

{N = [read value] (line 1);
I = 0 (line 2);
$\ell_1$ = { -1, null } (line 3);
Y = ptr to $\ell_1$.curr; (line 4);
X = ptr to $\ell_2$ (line 6);
$\ell_2$ = { 0, ptr to $\ell_1$ } (line 6) }
{N = [read value] (line 1);
I = 0 (line 2);
X = ptr to $\ell_1$ (line 3);
$\ell_1$ = { -1, null } (line 3);
Y = ptr to $\ell_1$.curr; (line 4); }
{N = [read value] (line 1);
I = 0 (line 2);
$\ell_1$ = { -1, null } (line 3);
Y = ptr to $\ell_1$.curr; (line 4);
X = ptr to $\ell_2$ OR $\ell_1$ (lines 3 or 6)
$\ell_2$ = { 0, ptr to $\ell_1$ } (line 6) }

Problem: Infinite possible states!

Each time through the loop we get another $\ell$ assigned.

Observation: Only need to repeat states enough times to get dependencies

Idea: Collapse states into the minimum needed

Collapsing States

  • Ignore constants (0, -1, etc...)
  • Merge values at unidentified locations (i.e. anything labeled by $\ell$), as long as the dependency data is the same

Simplified Example

        struct { int curr; LL *next } LL;
1:      read(N)
2:      I := 0
3:      X := new LL { -1, null }
4:      while(I < N)
5:        X := new LL { I, X }
6:        I := I + 1
        end while
7:      print_ll(X)

As of Line 4 (0 loops)

{N = $\mathbb C$ (line 1);
I = $\mathbb C$ (line 2);
$\ell_1$ = { $\mathbb C$, null } (line 3);
X = ptr to $\ell_1$ (line 3)

As of Line 4 (1 loop)

{N = $\mathbb C$ (line 1);
I = $\mathbb C$ (line 2);
$\ell_1$ = { $\mathbb C$, null } (line 3);
$\ell_2$ = { $\mathbb C$, ptr to $\ell_1$ } (line 5);
X = ptr to $\ell_2$ (line 5)

As of Line 4 (2 loops)

{N = $\mathbb C$ (line 1);
I = $\mathbb C$ (line 2);
$\ell_1$ = { $\mathbb C$, null } (line 3);
$\ell_2$ = { $\mathbb C$, ptr to $\ell_1$ } (line 5);
$\ell_3$ = { $\mathbb C$, ptr to $\ell_2$ } (line 5);
X = ptr to $\ell_2$ (line 5)

$\ell_2$ and $\ell_3$ are "similar". Replace them with a new virtual $v_4$

As of Line 4 (2+ loops)

{N = $\mathbb C$ (line 1);
I = $\mathbb C$ (line 2);
$\ell_1$ = { $\mathbb C$, null } (line 3);
$v_4$ = { $\mathbb C$, ptr to $\ell_1$ OR $v_4$ } (line 5);
X = ptr to $v_4$ (line 5)


State $S_2$ subsumes state $S_1$ if you can reach $S_2$ from $S_1$ by any of...
  • Add alternatives for pointers
  • Add new line dependencies
  • Rename an un-identified (i.e., $\ell_i$) location
  • Merge values at un-identified (i.e. anything labeled by $\ell$) into a virtual location.


  1. 0 loops
  2. 1 loop
  3. 2+ loops
  4. 3+ loops

2+ loops subsumes both 1 loop and 3+ loops

Final state representation: { 0 loops; 2+ loops }

Flow Dependencies

  1. Replay state trajectory.
  2. Apply virtual node replacements.
  3. Use computed possible states to determine possible data dependencies.
  4. Include every possible data dependency.

What if we want to slice a program in the context of specific inputs?

01:        read(N)
02:        Z := 0
03:        I := 1
04:        while (I < N) do
05:          read(X)
06:          if (X < 0) then
07:            Y := f1(X)
08:            Y := f2(X)
             end if
09:          Z = f3(Z, Y)
10:          I = I + 1
           end while
11:        write(Z)

... with N = 2, X = -4, 3 the trace of this program is
$1^1$ $2^1$ $3^1$ $4^1$ $5^1$ $6^1$ $7^1$ $9^1$ $10^1$ $4^2$ $5^2$ $6^2$ $8^2$ $9^2$ $10^2$ $4^3$ $11^1$

(superscripts distiguish repeated occurrences)

Dynamic Slicing

Instead of considering all paths, focus on the trace under the provided inputs

(Dependencies for Y as of $8^2$ on N = 2, X = -4, 3)

  • Same as before, but allowed to have multiple copies of nodes.
  • Each instruction instance may have different dependencies... only consider the immediately preceding assignemnt to each variable.
  • First slice the trace
  • Every instruction that appears at least once in the sliced trace is in the final slice

Added benefit: Can handle pointer tracking gracefully: Know exactly what the pointer's value will be.
